Stoppt Studiengebühren

Act now: Your voice against the study fees at TUM

Cover Image for Act now: Your voice against the study fees at TUM
Stoppt Studiengebühren
Stoppt Studiengebühren

How to support us?

1. For TUM students and employees: Your photo against the study fees!

As students and employees of TUM, we are petitioning against the incredibly high and discriminatory tuition fees for Non-EU-Students. We are asking for your photo, instead of just your signature. When the petition is successful, we will hang up banners at TUM, showing the faces of many united students and employees. (You can see the first banner in the title. Thanks to the supporters!)

👉 Sign the photo petition here!
Login with TUM-Account required

2. For everyone who wants to support: Your signature helps!

Introducing study fees at TUM in Munich threatens the principle of talent over wealth in Bavaria. If TUM implements these fees, other universities may follow. It's the state's duty to ensure quality education without imposing discriminatory costs. Sign now to urge the state and TUM leaders to keep education accessible for all.

✍️ Sign our petition on & leave a comment!

3. Get Involved!

We are a group of students and staff dedicated to keeping TUM international and free. Follow our channels for updates and events like info points and demonstrations. Share your thoughts on the study fees with us, and we'll post your quote (anonymously if preferred). Join us and help spread the word. TUM is a huge university and every helping hand counts. Send us a DM to get started!

📸 Subscribe to our Instagram and contact us!

You want to know more about the study fees?